Women getting water from the pump in the morning in Mucodza. Already there is a line of people waiting their turn. Can you imagine sharing one source of water with your neighborhood, or even just one spicket for water within your own house? I took this picture to show how scrappy and mangy dogs are in the village. And then i looked at it and thought the dogs look really sweet and cute, but that is definitely not the reality. The animals are never treated well and the dogs are neglected, kicked, have rocks thrown at them, never fed, always scavenging and if i think about it too long it makes me a bit sick. This picture was taken while out in the field giving some peanuts to a farmer to plant. The green plants are corn that is being grown. A picture of some of the children who were out in the field with us... A village just outside of Gorongosa called Tambarare. This is one of the communities we (CDP) will start working in possibly in the next year or so. We chose a neighboring village to start with named Mucodza.
Children taking advantage of a rainy day and playing in the water, you can't see in this picture but there are also women washing clothes and people collecting water.
We were eating dinner at a restaurant called Pappas, when the owners son (10 years old) came in and picked up the remote control and started watching cartoon network. He then proceeded to wait on customers and did an excellent job of pouring the beer on tap (on the left in the picture). It was amusing to watch a 10 year old take charge of the bar :o)
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